Meet the Author – Rick Ricer, MD

Rick E. Ricer, M.D. is a board certified Family Physician who has been in medicine for 43 years.  He currently is an Emeritus tenured Professor in the Department of Family Medicine at the University of Cincinnati.   Rick attended medical school at The Ohio State University and completed a Family Practice residency in the military at Fort Belvoir, Virginia.   After an honorable discharge from the US Army, he practiced rural medicine in West Virginia and was on the medical school faculty at Marshall University.   He then joined the faculty in the Department of Family Medicine at The Ohio State University and later transferred to teach at the the University of Cincinnati.  He has been residency faculty, Predoctoral Director, Vice-Chair, researcher, author, and mentor.  Rick has continued to actively practice the art of Family Medicine throughout his career in both rural and inner city practices.  He retired from medicine in 2018.

The author greatly appreciates the professionals and staff who helped schedule interviews with Family Physicians all around the country.  These people went above and beyond the call of duty and friendship and made me feel at home everywhere I traveled.  In fact, many opened their homes to me.   I truly appreciate the time and effort of every family physician who contributed to this series of e-books.  Everyone seemed excited to get an opportunity to pass their wisdom on to another generation of learners and always made me feel welcome in their offices.  I also appreciate the help and friendship of the late James Short, Ph.D. whose expertise made these e-books possible.  He always displayed true creative genius.



Since Dr. Ricer’s retirement, this website is moderated by Ron Reynolds, MD,  a University of Cincinnati Department of Family Medicine colleague of his.